
The European Economic Community

Western European countries of the European economic and political integration, and has a supra-national mechanisms and functions of international organizations. European Coal and Steel Community, European Atomic Energy Community and the general term for the European Economic Community. Also known as the European Common Market, known as the European Community. The establishment and development of a unified Europe thought existed for a long time, after the Second World War reached a climax. May 9, 1950, French Foreign Minister R. Schuman proposed the European Coal and Steel Community Plan (that is, the Schumann Plan) to be bound Germany. April 18, 1951, France, Italy, and the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Rwanda signed a 6 country for 50 years "to establish the European Coal and Steel Community Treaty." June 1, 1955, the European Coal and Steel Community to participate in the 6 foreign ministers of Messina in Italy held a meeting suggested that the Coal and Steel Community principle extended to other areas of the economy and the establishment of the Common Market. March 25, 1957, the 6 foreign ministers in Rome establishing the European Economic Community signed with the European Atomic Energy Community, the two treaties, namely "Treaty of Rome", in January 1, 1958 entry into force. April 8, 1965, 6 countries signed the "Brussels Treaty", it was decided that the European Coal and Steel Community, European Atomic Energy Community and unify the European Economic Community, known collectively as the European Community. Treaty on July 1, 1967 entry into force. EC headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. December 11, 1991, the European summit in Maastricht, through the establishment of the European Economic and Monetary Union and the European Union's political, "the European Union treaty," (known as the Maastricht Treaty, referred to as the Maastricht Treaty) . February 1, 1992, foreign ministers formally signed the Maastricht Treaty. Member States approved by the European Community, Mayotte in November 1, 1993 came into effect, the EC started the transition to the European Union. Members of the founding members of the European Community for France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg 6 countries. In 1973, Denmark, Ireland and Britain joined the European Community, in 1981, Greece joined the European Community. In 1986, Spain and Portugal joined the European Community. December 1992 meeting of the EC meeting decided that the Prime Minister of Edinburgh, began in 1993 with Austria, Sweden, Finland and Norway and later on its accession to the EU issues formal negotiations. October 29, 1993, the European special summit in Brussels scheduled for March 1, 1994 to negotiate an end to the country to make 4 to Jan. 1, 1995 accession to the European Community. And the purpose of the organization of the European Community on the basis of the document "Treaty of Rome," its purpose is: in Europe between the peoples of the ongoing, increasingly close, the basis of the joint, removing barriers to split Europe, to ensure the economic and social progress, Constantly improving people's living standards and employment conditions, and through common trade policy to promote international exchange. In the revised "Treaty of Rome" and "a single document" to emphasize: the European Community and European cooperation is aimed at promoting the effective co-development of European unity, jointly safeguarding world peace and security and make its due contributions. Under the EC: ① Council. Including the Council of the European Union and the Council of Europe. Council of the European Union, formerly known as the Council of Ministers, the EC is the policy-making body, with most of the legislative power of the European Community. Since the Maastricht Treaty gives the Council of Ministers of the European Union within the framework of the intergovernmental co-operation duties, the Council of Ministers since November 8, 1993 to effect known as the Council of the European Union. Council of the European Union into the General Council and the Council specifically, by the foreign ministers participating in the former and the latter by ministers from other countries. That the European members of the Council of Europe Summit, the European external relations to develop in-house construction and major policies. In December 1974 the European Summit decided that since 1975 so that the institutionalization of the Summit, officially known as the Council of Europe. In July 1987 which came into effect "a single document" stipulates that the Council of Europe member states by the heads of state or government, as well as the Chairman of the Commission of the European Communities, meet at least twice a year. Mayotte is clear that the Council of Europe in the European Union's center. Chairman of the Council of member countries by rotation for a period of six months. In the order according to their basic text written in alphabetical name. ② Committee. European Commission is the permanent executive body. Responsible for the implementation of the EC Treaty and the European Council's decision to the European Parliament and the Council to submit a report and recommendations of the EC to deal with day-to-day affairs, on behalf of the European Community's external relations and trade negotiations. Commission by the 17-member, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Spain 2 each, the other members of the 1. By the President of the Summit, for a period of 2 years; by the members of the Council of Ministers appointed a four-year term. ③ the European Parliament. European supervision, an advisory body. The European Parliament has decided to part of the budget, and can be 2 / 3 majority of the impeachment committee to force him to resign. A total of 518 members, France, Germany, Britain, Italy 81 each, Spain 60, Netherlands 25, Belgium, Greece, Portugal all 24, Denmark 16, Ireland 15, Luxembourg 6. Speaker of the term of 2 years and a half, the 5-year term. Parliament Secretariat based in Luxembourg. Parliament's regular monthly meeting held in Strasbourg, France, in particular, the group plenary and the Committee meeting in Brussels. ④ the European Court of Justice. European arbitration body. Responsible for hearing and ruling in the implementation of the relevant provisions of the EC Treaty and took place in a variety of disputes. ⑤ Court of Auditors. European Court of Auditors was established in October 1977, will comprise 12 members, are subject to the consent of the Council of the European Parliament agreed to the appointment. European Court of Auditors is responsible for auditing the accounts of its agencies, the EC review of the balance of payments and to ensure the normal conduct of the European financial management. Luxembourg for its location. In addition, the EC has also set up the Economic and Social Commission, the European Coal and Steel Community Advisory Committee, the European Investment Bank and other institutions. European economic strength is the world's an important economic power. The 12-nation area of 2,363,000 square km and a population of 346,000,000. The 12-nation European Community in 1992 gross domestic product for 6,841,200,000,000 U.S. dollars (By that time the exchange rate and price). EC is the world's largest trade group, in 1992 the total foreign trade is about 2,972,200,000,000 U.S. dollars, of which exports 1,451,860,000,000 U.S. dollars, while imports 1,520,270,000,000 U.S. dollars. The main activities within the building, the European Community to implement a series of common policies and measures. ① to achieve a customs union and common foreign trade policy. Starting in 1967 the European single external tariff rate, on July 1, 1968 from among the members of the cancellation tariffs and quotas, the establishment of a customs union (Spain, Portugal in 1986 after joining with other member countries of tariffs To be approved by the 10-year transition period before full cancellation). In 1973, realized unification of European trade policy. After the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty in order to further the establishment of the European Union's single market common trading system, the European foreign ministers on February 8, 1994 agreed to lift by the implementation of more than 6400 kinds of import quotas and replaced aimed at The protection of low-tech industries. ② the implementation of the common agricultural policy. July 1, 1962 introduction of the European Common Agricultural Policy. August 1968 introduced a unified price of agricultural products; in 1969 to abolish tariffs on agricultural products in-house; 1971 on the implementation of monetary subsidies to agricultural trade system. ③ the establishment of cooperation in the political system. The establishment in October 1970. Signed in 1986, 1987, which came into effect "a single document," in the diplomatic area of political cooperation included in the official EC Treaty. To this end, the Council of Ministers set up a secretariat of political cooperation, hold regular meetings of member countries to participate in the political cooperation between the Minister for Foreign Affairs to discuss and decide on a variety of European affairs. November 1, 1993 Maastricht Treaty enters into force, cooperation in the political system has been integrated into the European Union political activities. ④ basically completed within a unified market. June 1985 the European Summit approved the building of a unified internal market, large white paper in February 1986 for the member states formally signed into big market and the "Treaty of Rome" modification "of the European single document." Market aims to phase out all kinds of non-tariff barriers, including physical barriers (Customs checkpoints, transit procedures, health and quarantine standards, etc.), technical barriers (laws and regulations, technical standards) and financial obstacles (in other taxes, the tax rate differential), January 1, 1993 from the realization of goods, persons, capital and the free flow of labor. To this end, the European Commission in April 1990 before the realization of these objectives 282 orders. As of December 10, 1993, 264 have been approved by the Council, there are 18 pending. In the 12 countries must be translated into domestic law throughout the Union before the entry into force of the law 219, 115 have been included in the 12 States domestic law. Member States need to be translated into domestic law the law, has completed an average of 87%. January 1, 1993, the EC announced its largest unified market was basically completed and put into operation. ⑤ the establishment of political alliances. In April 1990, French President Francois Mitterrand and the Federal Republic of Germany Chancellor Helmut Kohl in a joint initiative to convene on the end of the year when the political union of the Intergovernmental Conference on the issue. In the same year in October, the European Summit in Rome in particular further clarified the basic direction of political union. In the same year in December, the European Union and political issues related to the establishment of inter-governmental meeting to be held. 1 After years of negotiations, the 12 countries in the December 1991 meeting of the Maastricht Summit adopted a political union treaty. The main contents of the 12 countries will implement a common foreign and security policy, and will eventually implement a common defense policy. In addition, the implementation of the common fisheries policy, the establishment of a European monetary system, building measures such as the Economic and Monetary Union. In foreign relations, the European Community in the world, many countries and regions to establish and develop a relationship. 1993, 157 countries have established diplomatic missions to the EC, the European Commission has been in 107 countries and international organizations accredited to the seat of the delegation. With the vast majority of European countries to conclude a trade agreement, economic and trade cooperation agreements or other agreements with a number of regional organizations established a close relationship. European Community in May 1975 with the establishment of formal relations between the People's Republic of China

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